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The Scripture teaches that prior to the creation of man God created a vast number of personal spirit beings of various kinds.[1]1 A spirit being, like man, is a unity, one person with one nature.[2] The essence of a spirit being is spirit material. Nevertheless, these beings do have the ability to materialize physical bodies.[3] Spirit beings possess abilities similar to those of God (e.g., know and discern), but these abilities are limited.[4] Spirit beings do not die “physically” as do men.[5] Originally all these spirit beings existed in an unfallen state. However, when Lucifer, the highest one, rebelled against God’s authority and fell, he drew with him a great number of other spirit beings.[6]

The activity of spirit beings is according to their kinds and classes. This includes cherubs, seraphs, and angels; the later beings are subdivided into various orders.[7] Today, the holy angels are servants of God; the unholy angels are servants of their leader, Satan.[8] Of the spirit beings mentioned by name in Scripture, the most important is the cherub Lucifer, also called Satan.[9] By sinning he fell and became the enemy of God. As such, he opposes God, his work, and his saints.[10] He was instrumental in the fall of man.[11] In the future Satan, along with his angels, will be cast into the Lake of Fire.[12]

[1] Job 38:6,7; Rev 5:11; Col 1:16
[2] Luke 1:19
[3] At least some spiritual beings are able. Luke 24:39; Eph 6:12; Gen 19:1
[4] Eph 3:10; 2Sam 14:20
[5] Luke 20:36
[6] Isa 14:12-14; Rev 12:7
[7] Ezek 10:19,20; Isa 6:2,3; Luke 2:13; Col 1:16; Eph 3:10
[8] Heb 1:14; Acts 12:7-11; Eph 6:12; Rev 12:7-9
[9] Ezek 28:14; Isa 14:12; Rev 12:9
[10] Ezek 28:16; 1Chr 21:1; Eph 6:11,12; 1Pet 5:8
[11] Gen 3:1-6; Rev 12:9
[12] Matt 25:41; Rev 20:10
