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The Scripture[1], referring to that which was originally written,[2] is in total the Word of God, having God as its source.[3] Scripture teaches that God, by means of natural[4] and special[5] revelation, has provided information to mankind about himself and his work.[6] Some of this special revelation has been recorded in Scripture.[7] This recording was accomplished as the Spirit performed a supernatural work by which he gave the writers an ability whereby they could precisely recall and record those things God wanted to be included in Scripture.[8] As a result of this supernatural work, the Scripture is inspired; that is, it is recorded in such a way that it is as if God himself had spoken it.[9] Therefore, Scripture is truthful and accurate.[10] In addition to giving Scripture, God has preserved it in a way that accords with his purposes.[11]

God has given Scripture to man not only to reveal himself but also to bring men to salvation and then to help them live before him.[12] To enable those who are saved to understand Scripture so that they could make use of it, God has provided for both the illumination and the teaching of the believer.[13] While all of Scripture is to be believed, some statements also require action.[14] When an action is required, that action is to be performed without reservation by the one(s) to whom it is addressed or to whom it applies.[15]

[1] The canon of 66 books comprising the Old and New Testaments.
[2] This is not to imply that what we have today is less than the Word of God. The extant Hebrew and Greek texts as well as any translations (or even paraphrases) of those texts are fully the Word of God to the extent that they accurately represent God.
[3] 2Tim 3:16; Rom 1:19; Luke 5:1; 1Th 2:13
[4] Natural revelation involves God’s revelation of himself through the created universe in general and human beings, as those created in his image, in particular. Psm 19:1-5; 97:6; 1Chr 29:11
[5] Special revelation involves God’s revelation of himself through the use of language, written or spoken.
[6] Psm 19:1; Rom 1:19-20; Acts 14:16-17; Matt 11:25; Acts 26:16
[7] Not all special revelation has been recorded. On many occasions God has revealed himself directly to individuals but what he revealed has not been recorded in Scripture.
[8] John 14:26; 16:12-13; 2Pet 1:20; 2Sam 23:2; Jer 36:2, 4, 17, 18, 28; Exod 4:10-12
[9] 2Tim 3:16
[10] John 17:17; Rom 3:4; Gal 3:16; Matt 22:31-32
[11] Matt 24:35; 1Sam 13:1
[12] John 20:30-31; 1Jn 5:13; 2Tim 3:16-17
[13] Eph 1:18; Luke 24:45; 1Jn 2:27; 1Th 4:9
[14] Heb 6:18; Gen 1:1; Matt 28:19-20
[15] John 13:27; Eph 2:10
