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The Scripture teaches that we should be anticipating the imminent return of Christ to rapture the Church, his bride.[1] For those raptured, the worth of their works will be judged at the Bema of Christ followed by the presentation of the Church to God the Father.[2] After the rapture the period known as the tribulation or seventieth week of Daniel will run its course on earth.[3] During this period the judgment and wrath of God will be poured out on unbelieving men.[4] This period will be followed by the second coming of Christ at which time all opposition to him will be put down, those living will be divided into sheep and goats, and Christ will establish his earthly millennial kingdom.[5] At this time Satan will be bound, Israel will be the head of the nations, and Christ with his Church will rule with a rod of iron.[6] After one thousand years Satan will be loosed to lead a final revolt against Christ. But failing, he will be thrown into the Lake of Fire.[7] Following this, the Great White Throne judgment will take place and all that appear there will be cast into the Lake of Fire.[8] Finally, a new heaven and new earth will be created and the saints of all dispensations will live forever enjoying those things God has planned.[9]

[1] Tit 2:11-13; 1Th 4:14-17; 1:10
[2] 2Cor 5:10; 1Cor 3:12-14; 1Th 3:13
[3] Dan 9:27; Matt 24:4-2
[4] 1Th 1:10; Rev 15:1
[5] Matt 24:29,30; Matt 25:31-46; Rev 19:11-16
[6] Rev 20:2,3; 20:4; 19:15,16
[7] Rev 20:7-10
[8] Rev 20:11-15
[9] Rev 21:1; Eph 2:7; Matt 5:5
