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The Scripture teaches that sin is (1) any act[1] that is morally[2] wrong or (2) any act that God has so determined to be lawless. For the latter, what acts constitute sin may change according to God’s determination.[3] Sin comes as a result of a chain of actions: lust (i.e. desire) leads to temptation and then sin.[4] Sin entered into the realm of spirit beings through the sin of Lucifer and entered into the realm of human beings through the sin of Adam.[5] For Lucifer and those beings that sinned with him, the consequence of their sin was their fall and will ultimately result in their everlasting punishment in the Lake of Fire.[6] With man, the sin of Adam has been imputed to all.[7] This sin has led to the fall of the race, total depravity, spiritual death, physical death, guilt, and condemnation.[8] The subsequent personal sins of each man cause judgment to be exercised by God.[9] The end of personal sin is physical death.[10]

[1] An act is something which is done as a result of a determination to do so. This may be physical or mental.
[2] What is moral or immoral is determined by what is consistent or inconsistent with God’s divine nature.
[3] Dietary laws serve as an example. 1Jn 3:4; Exod 20:8; Lev 11:3-8; 1Tim 4:3,4
[4] This is the case even when a sin is not classed as “deliberate” or with “a high hand” (Deut 17:12; Heb 10:26). Jas 1:12-15; Gal 6:1; Eph 2:1
[5] Ezek 28:14; Rom 5:12
[6] Matt 25:41; Rev 20:10
[7] Rom 3:23; 5:12
[8] Gen 3:16-19; Eph 4:18; Rom 7:17,18; Eph 2:15; John 11:21; Gen 3:21; Rom 5:18
[9] Matt 11:20-24; Rom 1:24,26,28; 1Cor 11:29,30
[10] Jas 1:15
