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The Scripture teaches that one of the members of the Godhead is God the Spirit.[1] As a member of the Godhead he is a separate person who independently has all the components that make up a person and who fully has the nature of deity.[2] With respect to the Father and Son, for the working out of the decree, the Spirit has assumed a position of subordination in authority.[3] The Spirit has been active in determining and carrying out the plan of the Godhead. He is the arranger of those things created.[4]

The work of the Spirit prior to this dispensation is seen in his relation to Old Testament saints and to the incarnate Son. With reference to the former, the Spirit came upon some of them and filled them.[5] With reference to the God-Man, the Spirit was involved with his conception; he also rested on him, led him, filled him, and anointed him.[6] The Spirit became resident on earth on the day of Pentecost.[7] During this dispensation the Spirit convinces those of the world (of their need of salvation); he indwells, fills, seals, comforts, baptizes, engifts, and teaches believers.[8] Through several of the dispensations the Spirit has been instrumental in the recording of the Word of God.[9]

[1] 1Cor 3:16
[2] Acts 13:2; 5:3,4
[3] John 14:26; 15:26
[4] Gen 1:2,26; Job 26:13
[5] 1Sam 10:6; Exod 31:3
[6] Luke 1:35; Isa 42:1; Matt 4:1; Luke 4:1; Acts 10:38
[7] Luke 24:49; Acts 1:8; 2:2-4
[8] John 16:8-11; Rom 8:9,11; Eph 5:18; 4:30; John 15:26; 1Cor 12:13; 12:8,11; 1Jn 2:27
[9] 2Sam 23:2; 2Pet 1:20; John 14:26
