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The Scripture teaches that one of the members of the Godhead is God the Son, the eternal Word.[1] As a member of the Godhead he is a separate person who independently has all the components that make up a person and who fully has the nature of deity.[2] He assumed his “Son” relation at the outset of the execution of the decree.[3] This relation indicates his subordination in authority to the Father in carrying out that decree.[4] As the incarnated one, the Son is a person possessing two separate natures (one divine and one human) united by that one person. The divine nature is fully deity and the human nature is fully humanity. The God-Man thus possesses two desirous wills, two sets of attributes, two essences, and two consciousnesses.[5] The Son has been active in determining and carrying out the plan of the Godhead. He is the immediate creator of the universe.[6]

Before this dispensation the work of the Son is seen as the Messenger of Jehovah. But his work as the incarnate Son, the God-Man, is of primary importance.[7] The Son became the God-Man through the divine conception and virgin birth.[8] Living under the Law, the Lord Jesus Christ lived a sinless life.[9] He died a substitutionary death, but rose from the dead to sit at the right hand of the Father.[10] In this dispensation he founded the Church, gives gifts to men, serves as an advocate, indwells in believers, gives eternal life, intercedes, and mediates.[11] He will come to rapture the Church, judging it at the Bema.[12] Subsequent to this dispensation the Son will return to earth, establish his earthly millennial kingdom, and judge at the White Throne.[13]

[1] John 1:34; 1:1,12
[2] John 5:17,19; 1:1; Tit 2:13
[3] Psm 2:7
[4] John 5:19-27
[5] John 10:30; Matt 11:27; John 1:14; Phil 2:6-8; Luke 22:42; John 8:24; 1:14; Luke 22:42
[6] John 1:3; Heb 1:2
[7] Gen 16:7; John 1:1,14
[8] Luke 1:13,35; Matt 1:23
[9] 2Cor 5:21
[10] 1Cor 15:3; Rom 5:5; 1Cor 15:4; Heb 12:2
[11] Matt 16:18; Eph 8,11; 1Jn 2:1; John 14:20; 1Jn 5:11,12; Rom 8:34; 1Tim 2:5
[12] John 14:3; Rom 5:9; 2Cor 5:10
[13] Deut 30:3; Rev 20:4; Rev 20:11-15
